Metaphors Aren't Just for Poetry

I loved watching the Olympic Surfing this summer, and I was curious about the leadership metaphors that sprang to my mind as the surfers paddled out for their 30 minute heats. I did some research to understand surfing competitions better, and found that what looked so relaxing and beautiful on my TV screen, turns out to be more complex than I had appreciated. 

Here are a few parallels I found interesting:

Riding a wave/making a decision: Finding the right wave to ride takes patience, experience, and a willingness to move into action when the opportunity presents itself. Surfers can’t wait forever, though... the heat is 30 minutes. It’s important to ride enough good waves in the time you have, and a few bad ones don’t have to count towards your score.

Mindful leadership presence: The surfers had a watchful, relaxed presence, that seemed to marry patience with vigilance, in order to take action when needed. Leadership also requires calm, observation, and being ready to move forward.

Only “drop-in” when it really is worth it: Surfing competition is done in turns, and while a surfer can “drop-in” to someone else’s turn for a wave, they do get a penalty - so they need to be strategic and purposeful for it to be worth it. A leader must be attuned to letting others have their run, and not try to surf waves when it isn't time.

Success is scored on many variables: commitment, innovative maneuvers, variety and combination, and speed, power, and flow. The best surfer doesn’t always win. Having the best idea or the most successful project may not be the only relevant measures of a leader, so be sure to understand all the aspects of leadership that define success for you and in your organization.

I find metaphors a powerful way to reframe situations with my clients - a metaphor can be an imaginative way of visualizing a point, creatively exploring new possibilities, and understanding where the limits of an action may lie.

As a collector of metaphors, I’d love to hear from you:  Where do you look for metaphors? What metaphors do you use? Do they resonate for everyone on your team? What are the limitations of a favorite metaphor you’ve been using? Is it time to find new/different ones? 

And, If you’d like to learn more about surfing competitions, check out:


Pausing: from Self-awareness to Self-management


The Discomfort of Vulnerability